Martin and I are enjoying our last few days at Atlantis. It's practically deserted here compared to earlier in the month. The weather is also much cloudier and cooler - perfect temp actually! We spent yesterday doing what most tourists do here - lounging at the pool, reading a book and drinking a couple of Miami Vices. It was a lovely afternoon and so exhausting we both needed naps afterward! It was a little too cool to play in the water but maybe tomorrow...
We had some dissapointing news yesterday - our friend Richard will not be at Staniel Cay mid-month. We're both sad that we won't be meeting up with him. We do have a reservation at the marina though and there is a dive shop there. So, hopefully we'll be able to do some scuba diving - I can't wait!
We're leaving on Saturday when the weather will be fairly calm. I'm a excited and a bit nervous for the next 6 weeks - it's going to be so different! We'll be traveling through the Exumas until mid-June. We should have internet at Staniel Cay and in the south at Georgetown but in between we'll be on the hook and much more isolated than we've experienced so far. I have notes from another cruisers blog (the Lena Bea) that I've printed out to look at. Funny, they were here at Atlantis 1 night while we were gone! They are our size so they may have even been docked right next to us. It would have been fun to meet them since I've been following their blog this winter...
As for our blogging, we'll keep writing blogs and taking pictures and will post up chunks when we can.
Oh, and I just found this pic on my camera and had to post it - he's just too cute and I thought I took a pretty decent picture :)
That is a GREAT picture. Meow!
Great composition in that picture. The green of his eyes match the green of the plants.
Thanks guys :)
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